I’ve asked my Street Team members to contribute to my blog to give you all a better idea of who they are and what they do. Danielle Kent of Danielle Kent Birth Photography is up first. Without further ado… here’s what she has to share:

I’m Danielle. I am a mother, wife, outdoor enthusiast, Wyoming transplant, and birth photographer.
I have always been drawn to the art of photography. When I was a child, I would host photoshoots by convincing my brother or friends to pose in front of my parent’s digital camera. As I entered adulthood, I continued photographing whatever I could. Couples, expecting families, weddings, wildlife, boudoir. You name it, I’ve shot it.
The problem was, none of these genres of photography “lit my fire.” I knew I wanted to photograph professionally, but I hadn’t found subject matter that truly spoke to my soul. That is until a friend showed me photos from her home birth. Seeing documentation of her strength, beauty, and vulnerability as she brought her baby from womb to world took my breath away. I knew at that moment I wanted to be in the birth space, and that I was meant to be a birth photographer.
Now that I’ve had the honor of photographing several births, I truly believe that birth photography is going to change how the world views labor and birth. It sheds light on a transformative process that was once viewed as taboo. It allows parents to revisit the moment they met their child for the first time. It allows birthing people to reflect on and process the events that happened as they brought their baby earthside.
My fondness for birth photography was deepened during the birth of my daughter in December 2021. My plans for a home water birth ended in a hospital transfer due to gestational hypertension. Thankfully, my photographer was permitted to join me in the hospital. The birth experience felt like a whirlwind, and my photos provide much-needed clarity as I reflect on those moments. I am able to relive my daughter’s emergence, her first breath, and her first cry through these photographs.
When you hire Danielle Kent Birth Photography to be part of your birth team, you can expect a calm, unobtrusive, and encouraging presence. Though, it is likely that I will shed a few silent, happy tears when your baby is born! I am a fly on the wall, photographing events as they unfold.

I am delighted to attend whatever type of birth you choose, whether it be at home or in the hospital, and will be by your side even if plans change. I go on-call for you at 37 weeks gestation and remain available to you 24/7 until your baby is born. You will receive photographs of small details, big moments, and everything in between.
If you are an expecting parent in Northern Colorado or Southeastern Wyoming , and are interested in learning more about birth photography, I would love to connect! Visit daniellekentphoto.com to learn more.
Click here to connect with Danielle.
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