Cesarean Awareness Month from Your Fort Collins Birth Doula
April is recognized as Cesarean Awareness Month. And with as many as 1 in 3 births ending in cesarean in the United States, it’s an important topic to cover. And as a Fort Collins birth doula, it’s a subject I feel very passionately about. First, let me say this. All...
The Process of Bereavement Doula Support – Part 2
Nine years ago, I sat with my sister as she delivered her first baby, who had died. I watched her grieve and change from her experience. I also changed. It goes without saying how much I wish I had known then what I know now. Read more about my experience in Part 1 of...
Do You Need A Doula For The Second Baby?
We’ve heard all the ways and seen all the memes describing how the second kid gets screwed. The first kid got a scrapbook with all the trimmings. While the second’s images have never been removed from the cloud (if the photos were ever taken in the first place!) He or...
Planning The Fourth Trimester – Your Babymoon
Many of my clients are preparing for the births of their new babies. Parents spend months and months anticipating and planning for childbirth, and while doing so is important, it’s easy to forget to prepare for your “babymoon” – the time when...
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