Guiding with Compassion: How to Support Families Through Pregnancy and Infant Loss
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. In October, and always, we honor all babies amongst the stars. As professional doulas and educators, it’s our job to provide education, physical and emotional support, and comfort to the families we...
7 Perks of Being Pregnant: A Love Note from Your Favorite Northern Colorado Doula
As a Northern Colorado doula, I understand the ins and outs and ups and downs of pregnancy all too well. Nothing is as exhilarating or blissful as discovering that you’re carrying the life of your baby - it’s a dream come true. But that bliss can quickly wear off if...
How to Make Labor More Fun (Or At Least Manageable) from Your Fort Collins Birth Doula
As a seasoned Fort Collins birth doula, I’ve been in a labor and delivery room a few times. Okay, a loooootttt of times. And I’ve noticed a thing or two about what makes some deliveries more fun… or at least, more tolerable than others. I’m going to talk about that...
Top Tips for Picking a Pediatrician From Your Fort Collins Birth Doula
As a new parent there are lots of important decisions to make when it comes to the health and well-being of your new baby. Choosing the perfect pediatrician is one such decision. As your trusted Fort Collins doula, I want to help you make the right decision for you,...
14 Ways to Help with Postpartum Depression from Your NoCo Postpartum Doula
Hey, there. If you’ve found this blog it’s because you suspect that you or someone you love has postpartum depression (PPD). And for that, I’m sorry. Either way, it’s a difficult place to be in and I just want to give you a big hug. As your NoCo postpartum doula, I...
How to Honor Those We’ve Lost During the Holidays from Your Colorado Bereavement Doula
As a Colorado bereavement doula, serving all of Northern Colorado, it’s been my greatest honor and some of my most important work to serve families going through the worst thing imaginable – losing their baby. I won’t sugarcoat it, there are no silver linings or...
Holiday Survival Guide in Ten Manageable Steps
Holidays can range from an enthusiastic yay to a hard nay, depending mainly on who your family is and how you get along. For many, the holidays are super exciting. But others actually dread this time of year. Our lives are filled with stress and sometimes a lot of...
Introducing Siblings from Your Favorite Fort Collins Doula
Having baby number two (or three or more)? If so, then your biggest concern is rightfully how will your existing child(ren) handle the change. And let me be clear, it is a BIG change. In this blog, I'm covering the ins and outs of introducing siblings, before and...
Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Certified Professional Birth Photographer (CPBP) – with DeAnna Weyhrich of Mama Dee’s Birth Photography
I'm so thrilled to share another #JCStreetTeam blog with all of you. This time DeAnna Weyhrich of Mama Dee’s Birth Photography is here to tell us a little bit about her and share her top reasons for hiring a birth photographer. I'll let her take it away – About me: I...
What to Expect from a Natural Newborn Session – The Tiny Studio
I'm so thrilled to share another blog post from a JC Street Team Member – The Tiny Studio! Amanda is a natural light and setting newborn photographer and her work is just stunning. I'll let her take it away – Hi, I’m Amanda! I started The Tiny Studio to serve new and...
Chiropractic Care Can Make All The Difference – Meet Reconnect Chiropractic!
I'm so excited to say I have another guest blog post from my friends and Street Team members, Reconnect Chiropractic in Loveland. If you're looking for a great team that can take care of your whole family, I cannot recommend them enough. Learn more about their work...
Street Team: Danielle Kent – Colorado & Wyoming Birth Photographer
I've asked my Street Team members to contribute to my blog to give you all a better idea of who they are and what they do. Danielle Kent of Danielle Kent Birth Photography is up first. Without further ado... here's what she has to share: I’m Danielle. I am a mother,...
Be Still Short Film
I am SO proud to say that our incredible team has put together the first of its kind short film on the unthinkable – pregnancy loss. A mother-to-be faces her worst fear during a routine visit to her obstetrician.In her third trimester, Caroline is at a routine visit...
Pregnancy & Infant Loss from Your Fort Collins Bereavement Doula
October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month and October 15th is specifically the day that we light candles all around the world to honor the babies that were born sleeping or earthside for too short of a time. The babies that were carried but never held....
Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week – 2021
It’s World Breastfeeding Week! This week is designed to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding worldwide. It’s celebrated annually from August 1-7 and organizations worldwide participate to note the important role breastfeeding plays in the wellbeing of both the...
Breastfeeding and Pumping: What Your Fort Collins Lactation Support Person Wants You to Know!
You’ve just given birth. Your emotions are all over the place. Your body hurts. You have fluids leaking in ways you can’t describe. And you can’t say what just happened, but you know this – your heart is full. You’re tired, oh so so tired, but so in love. Sound...
Self-Care for Dads and Partners
It’s June and that means I’m focusing on dads and partners all month long. In this blog, I’m covering a topic that’s just not discussed enough – self-care for dads. That’s right, dads, dudelas, and non-birthing people you need some self-care, too! Especially for those...
11 Labor Tips for Dads and Partners from Your Doula
Your person is about to have a baby and you’re going to become a parent. Congratulations! The wait is over and it’s all finally happening. So they’re in labor… What now? You’re probably asking yourself this question over and over. How can you help? What should you do?...
Real Talk: PPA with your Colorado Postpartum Doula
If you’ve had a baby, or even if you haven’t yet, you can relate to the feelings of worry that come with this tiny human. How do I feed this baby? Why is this baby crying? Am I doing this right? Those are all very normal feelings, it’s hard to have a new baby and some...
Things Your Doula Will Do that Your Family Won’t – Postpartum Doula Services
You’ve just had a baby – your body hurts, your lady bits feel like they might never be the same again, and breastfeeding? Phew. It’s a lot. I know, I’ve been there. And to make it worse, you might have found out by now that your family – husband/partner, parents, and...
What NOT To Say to Someone Grieving from Your Bereavement Doula
Just this week, a friend told me she’s losing her best friend to colon cancer. Another friend’s brother died by suicide. I sat with a mother as she lost her baby at 37 weeks. And so many of us know someone who died from COVID. While some things are looking up, a lot...
7 Tips for Writing a Birth Plan
If you’ve been pregnant in the last decade or so, you’ve probably heard the term ‘birth plan.’ This is a fancy new word for an age-old tradition, putting your wishes to paper so you can have a guide to get you through labor. In this blog, I’m going to give you my best...
Be the Kind of Partner They Brag About from Your Local Doula
Dear dads and dudelas – let me first start by saying: thank you for being here. I know adding a new baby to the family is a big adjustment for all, including you. If you’re reading this blog, I know you care about your family and your new partner, so thank you. I am...
Partners: 31 Ways to Offer Breastfeeding Support
It’s June and you know what that means? Father’s Day is right around the corner – June 20th to be exact! To celebrate all the dads and partners out there, I’m going to spend the month highlighting some topics that pertain to dads, co-parents, and partners including...
Postpartum Belly Binding in Fort Collins with Julianne Curtis
Having a baby is a marathon, not a sprint. And your race doesn’t end when the baby is born. In fact, it’s just beginning in a lot of ways. Your body has undergone so much in the last few months and in order to finish strong, your body needs all the support it can get....
20 Self-Care Tips from Your Postpartum Doula
Ah self-care… sounds so nice, right? Way easier said than done in the middle of a global pandemic in the throws of parenthood. I feel ya. It can be hard to find a time to go to the bathroom, let alone schedule some self-care. But as a seasoned postpartum doula, I’m...
Breastfeeding Advocacy Tips from a Fort Collins Certified Lactation Counselor
When you’re a new parent, it’s so hard to know what to do when everyone is telling you something different. As a Fort Collins Certified Lactation Counselor, I see this all the time – Google is telling you one thing, your doctor is telling you another, and the hospital...
Cesarean Awareness Month from Your Fort Collins Birth Doula
April is recognized as Cesarean Awareness Month. And with as many as 1 in 3 births ending in cesarean in the United States, it’s an important topic to cover. And as a Fort Collins birth doula, it’s a subject I feel very passionately about. First, let me say this. All...
Celebrating World Doula Week
It’s one of my favorite times of the year – World Doula Week! That’s right, an entire week to celebrate and empower the work of doulas around the world. This year, World Doula Week takes place from March 22-28, 2021, and all week long I’ll be highlighting my work on...
Parent Coach: When You Don’t Want to Be Strong Anymore
As I write this, it’s been nearly a year since this whole pandemic started. A year of stress. A year of chaotic childcare. A year of uncertainty. A year of not seeing the people we love and a year that’s been hard. Really fucking hard. I won’t sugarcoat it. In all my...
Got Gas? Your Baby Does! Gas Explained By Your Fort Collins Postpartum Doula
Does your newborn baby have gas? Probably! We all do, right? Even me, your favorite Fort Collins postpartum doula, get gassy every once and a while (TMI, sorry, not sorry!). Gas is part of life. As a Fort Collins postpartum doula, one of the things I hear often...
How To Be the Perfect Mom from a Parenting Coach
If you're anything like me, you can relate to the pressure of wanting to be the perfect mom. And even though I'm a parenting coach, I still strive for this elusive standard. No lie: my daughter is a grown-ass woman and I STILL find moments of feeling disappointed in...
Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto – Brené Brown
You know I L-O-V-E LOVE Brené Brown, right?! If I could go to happy hour with her and Tina Fey my life would seriously be complete. One of the things I love most that she's written is the Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto. We know B.B. (totally calling her that because...
Are You Ready for Another Baby? Julianne Curtis, A Doula in Northern Colorado, Helps You Answer This Age-Old Question
As a doula In Northern Colorado, a parenting coach, and a friend to many incredible people, I frequently get asked – how do I know when or if we should have another baby? It’s amazing how often this comes up in parent Facebook groups, coffee and park dates, and...
An Open Letter to the Lone Parent from Your Northern Colorado Doula
This is a love letter to the lone parent from your Northern Colorado doula – me, Julianne Curtis. I know there are many parents out there with a big support network, a colorful group of friends, and family nearby. But I know there are also many parents out there...
Give the Gift of Help! Doula Care Gift Certificate
Please note: These images were taken before COVID and maskwearing. In this day, pregnancy and birth are now even harder than they have always been. Not only is COVID really scary for expectant womxn, it’s also really hard for friends and family because we feel like we...
Parenting During a Pandemic | Fort Collins Parenting Coach
Living during a pandemic is hard as hell, but parenting during all this? Phew. It’s not for the faint of heart. And the longer it chugs on, the harder it is. I think we’d all had hoped it would be over by now but here we are. So as your Fort Collins parenting coach,...
Swaddling and Your Newborn Baby from Your Fort Collins Doula
As a long-time Fort Collins doula, I have never once met a baby who doesn’t like or need to be swaddled. Sure there are babies who don’t like the way they are swaddled or the kind of swaddle you’re using, but all babies just simply do better when they’re...
How a Doula Helps You Have a Better Birth
Doulas are pretty common now (and people seem to fully understand we don’t carry rain sticks or anything) but I still get the occasional funny look when I tell people what I do. If you’re also wondering exactly how a doula helps you, here are 9 ways we’re your...
A Doula’s Spooky Halloween Dream
Mummies and 🦇Batties soon to-be, Wishing you the happiest of Halloweens 🎃 Little pumpkin growing in the patch Mysterious monster wants to latch Don’t be spooked 😱 by all that’s a brew Your doula is here, she knows what to do A pinch of support, a scoop of education...
Sex Post Baby: How to get Mama in the Mood
So you had a baby and now have the all clear for postpartum sex. But does the thought of sex post baby make you cringe because you are tired AF? Are you afraid to take your new body for a spin around the block? Or maybe you’ve had kids for a while now and you just...
Mocktails & Toast – Pregnancy Survival Hacks for Summer
Summer isn't quite over. If you're expecting, you may feel like the cooler temps couldn't arrive any sooner for your pregnancy survival. If you're looking for ways to survive the rest of this summer and the resulting low energy, here is my list of hacks which...
Comfort Tips for Pumping and Breastfeeding, From a Doula
Recently, I was working with a mom who told me I had to write this blog for other postpartum mothers because my suggestions helped her when she was trying to figure out the art of pumping. She practically begged me to write this for you, because my...
The Process of Bereavement Doula Support – Part 2
Nine years ago, I sat with my sister as she delivered her first baby, who had died. I watched her grieve and change from her experience. I also changed. It goes without saying how much I wish I had known then what I know now. Read more about my experience in Part 1 of...
Pregnancy Loss Facts and Why I Became A Bereavement Doula – Part 1
**Trigger warning** The topics of stillbirth, pregnancy loss, bereavement doula, and miscarriage are discussed in this post. Please read cautiously or don’t read this post at all if these topics are a trigger for you. This post has been written and shared with...
Do You Need A Doula For The Second Baby?
We’ve heard all the ways and seen all the memes describing how the second kid gets screwed. The first kid got a scrapbook with all the trimmings. While the second’s images have never been removed from the cloud (if the photos were ever taken in the first place!) He or...
Planning The Fourth Trimester – Your Babymoon
Many of my clients are preparing for the births of their new babies. Parents spend months and months anticipating and planning for childbirth, and while doing so is important, it's easy to forget to prepare for your "babymoon" - the time when baby actually gets here....
15 Steps To Becoming The Perfect Mom
Whether you have been a mom for one day or forty years I would bet my first born you can relate to the pressure of wanting to be the perfect mom. If you have spent any portion of your parenting career feeling mommy guilt then this post is for you. My daughter is...
Are You Surviving Or Thriving?
Are you surviving or thriving? Once we become an “adult” it’s far too easy to get stuck in the mundane routines of life. You may wonder if you are just surviving, or are you thriving. Whether good or bad, the humdrum of waking up, going to work, running errands,...
I Shall Be Called Grammy
Over the last couple years my life has changed drastically. My daughter, who I call "The Child," left the nest. I got married. I became an aunt—twice. I had a major unplanned surgery which was hard emotionally and physically. Bought a house. Sold a house. Changed...
No Joy? Feel, Deal and Heal
Upon first glance this photo made me laugh in hysterics. I mean, all parents probably feel the frustration of trying to get active kids to pose for the yearly family photo without the necessary cooperation needed to look like the perfect happy unit. As my laughter...
When My Daughter Becomes A Mother
Dear Child, 21 years ago today my life was forever changed when I became a mother of a baby daughter. As a child myself, I had no idea the depths of the commitment I was making to raise a daughter by myself. Nor did I know it was possible to love someone so deeply....

Serving Northern Colorado including Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont, Greeley, Eaton, Windsor, Wellington, Johnstown, Milliken, Ault, Severance, Firestone & Fredrick.